Experience the warmth and durability of hardwood floors from IDN Hardwood & Carpet Superstore.

Our high-quality hardwood flooring options are designed to withstand the test of time while adding a touch of class to your home. Whether you prefer traditional oak or exotic species, we have the perfect hardwood floors. Visit our showroom to see our impressive selection, or call us to schedule a consultation – let's make your dream home a reality! International Designers Network 7947 Canoga Ave Canoga Park, CA 1(818) 888–8051 http://idnflooring.net/ Follow us also on our social networks: Facebook , Youtube and Instagram . https://sites.google.com/view/idnhardwoodsuperstoreinc/home https://i-d-n-hardwood-superstore-inc.business.site/ Bign Mapas #hardwood #floor #installation #woodworking #laminate #floor #installation #flooring #design #art #tile #interiordesign #design #interiordesign #carpet #installation #interiordesign #art #tile #installation